Hey y'all! Miss me?
There are five days left of NaNoWriMo, I'm desperately behind (as in, not even halfway through. Thanks, exams.), and I'm procrastinating. Again.
Please forgive me for being caught up in the whirlwind romance of my two main characters, a broken down church, and a conspiracy-style car accident. Does it sound interesting? It's really not good. I'm just going to come right out and say that my book is an enormous pile of suckfest worthy of the latest Twilight movie. But hey, nothing ventured, nothing gained, right?
Here's a few insiders:
-Whenever I hit a wall, somebody falls. So far, I've had someone falling through a hole in aforementioned church, and I just wrote a very boring paragraph about someone else falling out of a tree with a pair of malicious hedge clippers.
-I have no idea where I'm going. I really don't know when to start tying off my plot points, or how long I can stretch out a dead-end road trip in a town of less than 300 people.
-I feel as if I've chosen the wrong genre. It would be far more simple to write 50000 words of action filled fantasy fantasticness, which I am most definitely doing next year. Plot twists in fantasy make much more sense. When my hedge clippers land point-first in the ground, narrowly avoiding my character in a fantasy novel, nobody sees it as a last-ditch effort to make something interesting.
-I'm so sorry. But nobody is reading this piece of crap. I know I promised that I would let whoever wanted to read it, but it's so embarrassingly shotty that I just do not feel comfortable sharing it with anyone. Next year, when I write my fantasy fantasticness, perhaps it won't be such a pile of stink and then you can read it.
Well, I'm going to continue my ridiculous endeavor now. Enjoy the BF savings! Eat some leftovers for me.