Sunday, May 29, 2011

Things I Like

This is another list. Here are some things I like, in no particular order.

1. Cheesecake.
2. Silly teenage dramas like Make It or Break It.
3. Watching gymnastics.
4. Being in pajamas at 11:36 in the morning.
5. Harry Potter
6. The fact that Harry Potter is coming out in July so I can go at midnight.
7. Spencer Reid from Criminal Minds
8. Garcia from Criminal Minds
9. John Green books
10. Tiny Cooper
11. Gay rights
12. Old Navy pajama bottoms
13. ULTA
14. Barnes and Noble
15. Applebee's.

I like other things too, but after I started this list I decided to expand upon it and list a few things I claim to like on Facebook.

1. Sue Sylvester Quotes
2. The Guilty Pleasure dance
3. Everything is funnier at 4 AM
4. Movies
5. Maximum Ride
6. Trale Lewous
7. Saying words over and over again until they lose their meaning
8. Waving at random people
9. Dentist stop talking to me, I can't talk your  hand is in my mouth
10. Peeta Mellark

There are some more ridiculous ones, but I decided to delve into the mind of one of my Facebook friends to find some really stupid ones.

1. "Do you like ____?" "No" But inside really yes I'm just not telling you!
2. Hey, I got a text! I hope it's from....OH MY GOSH LEAVE ME ALONE.
3. im sorry for staring but you just look reallyy HOT <3 <3 <3
4. Could you just shut up, like now?
5. Tall guy + short girl = cute. Tall girl + short guy = really awkward.
6. Where did all my bobby-pins go???
7. "Can I ask you a question?" "You just did"
8. Yeah I smile and say hi but I'm quite aware you're a two-faced whore
9. I'm waiting for your text...until I realize that I didn't reply.
10. Sometimes I feel like lying randomly on the floor.

I am dead serious. Some things should just stay off of Facebook. I'll admit I was a little wary when this person had 15 "likes" showing and "846 more". That's just ridiculous. C'mon, people. Most of the time Facebook likes don't even make sense. I mean, seriously. You would say to someone else "Yeah, I like movies." But you wouldn't say, "Yeah, I like Could you just shut up, like now?" It makes no sense. Liking should be reserved for things that can actually be liked in real life. I stopped liking things that didn't make sense a while ago, because it got annoying and stupid. So there you go. If you have a liking problem, just go through some of the things you "like", and ask yourself if it's actually possible to like those things.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Teachers are so funny.

So, maybe it's because it's the end of the year or maybe they're all brainwashed at staff meetings, but most of my teachers have gone crazy.
First of all, they keep making inappropriate comments that aren't really inappropriate but become so when said in front of high schoolers. Last week at a Quiz Bowl party, we were all playing Scrabble (Dear God, the nerdiness of that sentence...) and were joking about whether or not "numping" was a word. So my chemistry teacher, who was listening, was all like "Yeah, just use it in a sentence. Y'know, like 'I was numping around the neighborhood.'" Yep. And on Monday, I was standing outside the orchestra room when one of my friends started shaking my shoulders. My director came out of his office and said "Hey! Hands off the merchandise." To which I replied (after he'd left), "Wait a second...guys, am I a prostitute?"
General craziness also appears to be an issue. My Geometrey teacher constantly uses sound effects, but she's been using them a TON lately. And she keeps laughing at things that aren't really funny for a really long time. My English teacher is just kind of insane and ADD all the time, so nothing has really changed much there.

Guys, the end of the year is so close I'm about peeing my pants with excitement. (Not really, in case you were concerned). I only have to wake up 9 more times this year.
Interesting tidbits about my day:
There was a duck hanging out in a puddle on the roof. On. The. Roof.
We discoverd my friend Joe is the Pillsbury Doughboy. He's not fat, he just has big blue eyes and giggles when you touch his bellybutton.
Orchestra involved me getting the keys to the back room, getting three boxes of candy bars out of the back room, and then with ninja-like skills managing to close and lock the door whilst carrying three boxes of candy bars.
My Chemistry teacher asked "When there's a fire, who are you gonna call?" to which several people answered "GHOST BUSTERS!"
I learned how to spell Chernobyl. If that is indeed how you spell it.
We decided Chernobyl would make a lovely vacation hot-spot.
My Geometry teacher and I tried in vain to hook up my turntable to several different things, including the projector and the TV.
I completely forgot to bring my turntable home. adfpoaiuerak;jlhgalkgh.
There was dissappointment over a fight scene in A Lesson Before Dying. (The movie)

That's all, folks. Cue Porky the Pig.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Who Wants a Crap Sandwich?

I don't. You can have mine.

Ironically enough, I was going to post about happiness today because the sun was all shiny and the flowers and the trees were all blooming and the air smelled like springtime (and manure, but that's a different story).

However, when I got to school today, my happy little day of springtime became an utter crapsicle. That butt munch kid I keep talking about who likes me was being obnoxious, my stand partner was being obnoxious, we had to play Pomp and Circumstance like 43 times...and that's just first hour. I'm going off on a little pity party here, but it really sucks that I have to deal with so much stupid so early in the morning. I really don't like my second hour teacher and pretty much my only friend in that class has been annoying me a heck of a lot lately. Then at lunch, when I usually get to sit and hang out with my lovely friends, they weren't being so lovely. As I said to my dad on the phone today, it was like everyone had an extra dose of bitch this morning. Sorry, Grandma, excuse my French. Seriously, everybody was just cranky and irritable and being annoying and catty to each other. It was like somebody turned up the annoying dial on a few of my more annoying friends, who I usually love for their annoyingness, but nobody was in the mood to deal with it today. Finally I was just all like "Okay so seriously you guys, who's on their period right now?" Which may be too much information, but two people had hands up. Two others were sick, one had pressure of a soccer game this afternoon, and I couldn't really find an explanation for the obnoxiousness of the last one. And then in English I got an 85 on an essay, and I know you're all sarcastically like "Oooohhh noooo, an eighty-five!" Well, shut up. I. DON'T. GET. EIGHTY-FIVES. ON. ESSAYS. I get hundreds, gosh dangit! And I kind of harrassed my English teacher after class, because this pile of poop on top of everything else was just enough to push me to that verge of tears, so I kind of accosted him and said "Can we talk about this NOW?!?" Because I was freaking out. Like I said, I do not get 85's. Plus, the paper was out of 80 points, so all you math scholars know I got a 68, which looks really bad on paper, especially when the rule is "you can re-write at 71 and under". I expected to get full credit, dagnabit! I figured I'd be nowhere near close enough to having to do a re-write. So yeah, I now kind of hate my favorite teacher.

Then we had chemistry, which I just never like because it's farty. Yes, I just said chemistry is farty. So is Microsoft Office, which I had to deal with after that. That class is full of enough stupid people to scare Donald Trump. Of course then I had to get in the car with my brother, who I had an argument with because apparently I also took an extra dose of bitch this morning. Anyway, now I'm off to take a fast walk with my dog and my iPod. Hopefully no tourists stop me to ask for directions, because I'll probably accidentally (or purposefully, depending on how stupid the question is) send them in the wrong direction.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Butt Kicking

I wish I could kick Glenn Beck's butt. What a crazy right wing nutter. I could just type up this whole thing ranting about Glenn Beck. Nice blackboard. Wow. 40 Day/40 Night challenge? What, does he think he's Noah? Does he think God has shined his light upon him? Well, I'll tell ya what, Glenn Beck, YOU SUCK. Dear me. Oh my goodness.
In other news, the Navy SEALs got Bin Laden. For some reason, that kinda scares me a little. Is it pessimistic to expect retalliation? These are terrorists we're talking about, and we just killed their leader. Does that sound conservative? I dunno. I'm somewhat uneasy about this whole thing. And I'm somewhat uneasy about how much America is celebrating a death right now. I know how bad he was and stuff, but still, it's a little morbid. Now I sound like a hippie. Peace and love, man. Yeah.
And guess who kicked old man butt today? That's right. Me. I don't know if this is something I should be proud of, but I went on a "brisk walk" with my dad this afternoon and walked faster. I know, right? It's so difficult to walk faster than a 47 year old man. Yeah, yeah, whatever, not 47 for like 3 months. Close enough.
Is anyone else struck by how similar all politicians look? They're all old, staunchy white guys. Except for Obama, I guess. They're calling him "gutsy" on Fox News. And courageous. Interesting. Not that I don't agree, but it is Fox News.
This wasn't going to be such a political post, but then we started watching Glenn Beck just to see what he would say about Bin Laden. It's honestly sickening. Yes, I know how historic this is. Yes, I know that Osama Bin Laden was a terrorist and he threatened America. Yes, I know he was basically behind 9/11. But for God's sake, can we stop talking about how amazingly awesome it is that he's dead? Dead, people. It just doesn't sit well with me.