Monday, February 20, 2012

Lazy Days

I am so content right now.

Like I got up at way too early because my family decided going to breakfast was a good idea. And I guess it was, but I was really tired. But then I had like two or three cups of coffee. I think two. Yeah.

Since then I've been listening to my indie/alternative/hipster Pandora stations, browsing Pinterest and such, and just chilling. In sweatpants, with my hair up and no makeup. This is just so nice. It makes me really, really want summer to happen so I don't need to worry about actually being productive. Like there's a lot of other stuff I could totally be doing right now. But I'm not, because I'm currently in the process of thoroughly enjoying myself.

So what else is new? I was in the ER Saturday having basically the worst day of my life. I had this gushing nosebleed that drained down my throat and backed up into my left eye and lasted 40 minutes the first time. And then it happened again. And then a third time. Which was when I decided that a trip to the hospital was probably a good idea. So I spent Saturday covered in gore feeling terrible, because the silver nitrate they used to cauterize my nose burned like the dickens and I had to develop a new method of breathing.

But I am aaaaall better. So that's good. Now I think I'm going to try and get something done, because that would probably be a good thing. I hope you all have a wonderful President's Day.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

I Really Wasn't Going to Rant, I Swear.

I promise you I was not. I didn't really feel like blogging today, even though I had something on my mind, but you know what? This is the last effing straw.

Because I have just visited the One Million Moms website, and I just really want to slap a bunch of people. Really. I do.

The "Issues":

JC Penney and Ellen: As many of you probably know, JC Penney has paired up with Ellen for their new advertising campaign and stuff like that. And One Million Moms are pissed off.

Because she's a lesbian.

That just makes me SO MOTHERLOVING ANGRY. Okay. Here's the thing. You call yourselves "One Million MOMS", which must mean that you are mothers who want to create a nice, wholesome world for your kids. YOU ARE BEING HATEFUL PEOPLE. YOU ARE CREATING HATE IN THE WORLD. YOU ARE DISCRIMINATING AGAINST GOD'S PEOPLE. If you think that being gay is against God, you obviously have not read the rest of Leviticus, because it also says that we can't play football. Might I direct you here, to a video shared with me when I brought up this issue on Facebook a couple months ago:
In which the West Wing proves that the rules in the Bible have changed with time. Also every time I watch that clip I say BAY-UM at the end, because seriously, it just makes me love America. And I've said it before, maybe not on here, but nevertheless: I believe in God, and I refuse to believe that he hates anyone, including gays, because my faith has taught me everything about love.
Also, OMM keeps talking about "remaining neutral in the culture war". I don't even know what that's supposed to mean, but I know it's really offensive. Also hypocritical, because OMM are certainly not remaining neutral in this so-called "culture war". They seem to have taken the "shove our bigoted beliefs down your throats" road.

The "Modern Family" episode where Lily swears (which was hilarious): OMM finds children swearing to be "disturbing behavior". What OMM does not know is that when children swear, they tend to not know what it means. They just think it sounds funny or enjoy their parents' reaction to it. Seriously. I didn't know what the f-word meant until I was in 7th grade. Yes, I knew it was a bad word before then, but not until the 2nd grade. The site for OMM says that when Lily swore (which was actually the word 'fudge' bleeped out), "she smiled every time knowing it was inappropriate". Or maybe she's just a little kid on a TV show who smiles all the time. And I imagine the director told her to smile because she thinks Cam's reaction is funny. So she's ACTING. Because she's an ACTRESS. Also the page for this "issue" unnecessarily mentions that she is the child of a homosexual couple. Way to just throw that in there, OMM. As if we didn't already know you were a bunch of ignorant [bleeps].

Oh Wait, every single one of their issues centers around them being bigots. They bashed Kathy Griffin for posting risque pictures for an LGBT magazine article. They bashed Target (NOT COOL.) for sponsoring an LGBT special on Teen Nick. They bashed Dancing With the Stars for having Chaz Bono (a transgender) as a contestant. They bashed Old Navy for selling Gay Pride shirts. A lot of their issues also revolve around things being "Anti-Christian".

So here's the thing. I took AP Government when I was fourteen. I know about separation of church and state, and I know that there is no national religion. Plus religion can't be taught or promoted in public schools. What OMM clearly fails to understand is that NOT EVERYONE ON THE PLANET IS A CHRISTIAN. They get pissed off a lot about "family companies" like JC Penney, Old Navy, Target, yada yada, for advertising during shows that have slight inapropriate content.

So here's the thing. I watch Mad Men. Also I dabble in the common sense department. So I know that advertising companies probably don't give a flying [bleep] about what shows or channels they are advertising on. They most likely just advertise during the time slots when they expect a lot of people to be watching TV. Modern Family is a popular show. Heck, it's trending on Twitter every time there's a new episode. I imagine that advertising companies have caught on to this and want as many people as possible to see their commercials. They're not in any way saying that they support the content of the shows.

And besides. The content isn't even that bad. When are the One Million Moms going to take the blinders off of their kids? And what can we expect from that generation? I don't want to live in a world where people are ignorant just because somebody is different or think that swearing is ridiculously offensive. I'm lucky to have grown up in a household where I can say what I want in front of my parents, which also tends to make me not want to abuse it. And when I was younger, they explained to me why swear words are considered offensive rather than pretend that they don't exist. When they taught me about gay people, they told me that it's natural and there's nothing wrong with it. So thank you, parents, for not turning me into a [bleep]ing ignorant [bleep].

For more rants, please continue your browsing of this blog, because they're kind of my thing.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Long and Contemplative Post Title.

I'm feeling a little...well, I don't really know.

I am feeling rather frustrated that my STUPID L KEY KEEPS STICKING. Stupid key. I was typing a lot today and every time I wrote "love" it said "ove", and then I kept thinking of the Ove Glove and I couldn't take anything seriously anymore. Of course now that I've yelled at it in blog form, it's stopped sticking as much as it has been. Eff you, L key.

So what's going on? A lot. Too much, maybe. I feel like I have a lot on my shoulders right now, and maybe you don't want to hear it. So if you don't want to hear me kind of complain about all this crap I'm dealing with, perhaps skip this and wait until I'm happy and talking about infomercials again.

For one thing, I have a ton and a half of stuff to do. Homework stuff. But I won't complain about that, because I just told you in my last post that you don't care about my AP Class complaints. Let's just leave it at two 300+ page novels due in a week. But hey, I can do it. I've power read stuff before. Heck, I read the majority of The Fault in Our Stars in four hours. And that was about 200 pages. Or so. Bah! I'll make it.

Speaking of The Fault in Our Stars, Forensics season is coming up, and I'm performing a portion of it as a prose piece. I'm kind of excited and kind of nervous, because I want to do it justice. It's a really important book to me, but it's also a little terrifying to think that I'll be interpreting my version of it to strangers. I don't know why that's terrifying. It just is.

And then there's just high school issues. High school comes with drama. Lots. Let this be a lesson to all of you middle-schoolers and freshmen: I don't give a crap and a half if you promised yourself that you wouldn't get involved in high school drama. It's going to happen whether you like it or not. So there.

Well, I guess that wasn't too complainy. I was going to talk more about drama stuff, but I don't want to go posting other people's business on the internet for the world to see. So I'll just leave it at that. Now if you'll excuse me, I've got stuff to do. (: