Hey kids.
I realize that I do this thing a lot where I say I'm going to blog and then I don't, and then I kind of feel bad about it. You see, this blog is kind of like the neglected middle child, and if I don't at least give it a little love sometimes, it'll move to Colorado and pursue a life as a freelance musician and most likely acquire dreadlocks and never shower.
Speaking of not showering, I should address the 'public' part of this title. See, I'm sitting in a coffee shop with my best friend who is reading my favorite book, and I would also be reading said book, only I am at a point in said book in which I would probably start sobbing. I don't feel like subjecting myself to public humiliation today. I am also surrounded by hipsters.
Now, these are not your 'cool' hipsters that listen to really awesome music and probably hang out with my estranged blog in their free time. No, these are wannabe hipsters, who wear stupid beanies and grow ironic beards and sit in front of me whining about their lack of a love life. I am sorry that you are perpetually lonely and can't find a Christian enough woman and are always friendzoned, wannabe hipster dude, but I honestly can't bring myself to care about your predicament. In fact, I find you rather amusing.
I have never seen more beanies and oversized sweaters with oversized scarves in my life. I guess I'm a bit of a hypocrite, wearing an oversized cardigan myself, but honestly. When does the look cease to become cool, especially if it's what 90% of the other patrons are currently sporting? I can't even figure out why it's supposed to look good. Like, if I wear an oversized sweater and pile all of my hair up onto my head or alternatively cover it with a beanie, I look like I just stepped out of a meth lab. (I took that joke from the internet, by the way).
(Also I have just been informed by Aaron Haworth that if I don't mention his name explicitly in this post that bad things will happen or something. So there.)
Wow, double parenthetical statements there. Back to the hipsters. Actually, I don't have a lot else to say about the hipsters, only that they're annoying. And they're EVERYWHERE. Except for Haworth and the older lady sharing the overly large table with us. I like her. That's always been one of those things that I thought only happened in movies and bad romance novels, though usually the person that asks to share the table is a hot guy who's working on a novel or something.
Alright, sidetracking here. Haworth has just opened one of those Boxed Water things, and he started drinking it like a dork, so I laughed at him, and he explained his actions in the following manner: "It wasn't coming in my mouth." I about died.
Anyways, I only have 50% battery left, and I have entered an engaging conversation. So perhaps I'll update soon in hopes that my blog doesn't run off to Colorado.