The past month and a half-ish has been totally crazy. Mostly the past three weeks, because of the Wonderful Wizard of Oz, in which I played a flower that dies and a nun, but it was still pretty much the greatest time of my life.
So what else goes on?
I somehow have to figure out where I'm going to get the money for all the Christmas gifts I have to purchase, I have to purchase said gifts, I have to write five and a half pages of a research paper by tomorrow at 8 AM, I have to get a tooth filled tomorrow at 10 AM (first day of break...thanks, parents), and I have to go see my Hanna Banana (of The Living Rainbow--check it out) dance about Christmas. And I have to hang out with my friends/boyfriend. And catch up on my Youtube subscriptions and the TV I've missed (mostly the entire season of Bones so far. And Psych. And Criminal Minds, but mostly Bones).
This week will be busy, but it will also be very enjoyable, because I just so happen to enjoy doing basically all of the aforementioned things. Except for writing research papers and getting my tooth filled. But otherwise, I'm a happy camper. I pretty much know all of the gifts I'm going to get everyone, so it's just a matter of purchasing them. What can I say? Life is awesome right now.
I hope you all have a Very Merry Christmas, and that the Glee Christmas special didn't make you shed too many tears of utter disappointment. Eat some cookies, drink some ho-cho, smell a tree, be merry.
Ho-cho? I hope that was a typo. I shudder to think that you're actually getting that lazy.