Thursday, December 22, 2011

Happy 60th Post!

Can I congratulate myself?

Because I just did.

So, since March, I've gone from zero followers to seven, which is more than I thought I'd ever have, so, y'know, thanks, and stuff.

In the spirit of Christmas, today's post comes to you in TWO parts! (Also, I have no idea what that has to do with the spirit of Christmas).

Part one: December Favorites.

  1. Fun socks. One of my general rules is that fun socks are good luck. I've been wearing them since the beginning of the month, mostly for Oz benefits. However, now that it's almost Christmas, fun socks are a given! 
  2. Anything that's hot and contains chocolate. From mochas to ho-cho, I have been guzzling hot beverages for quite some time now. 
  3. The Big Bang Theory. I started watching this show with my boyfriend before break started, and it was really pretty hilarious. I'd always thought it was mildly stupid, but it's actually really clever. And yes, it does have its stupid moments, but doesn't all quality television?
  4. Criminal Minds and Bones. I've lumped these two together because they've been the majority of my life for the past two days. I just caught up with Bones, and I'm working my way through Criminal Minds. Apparently I missed pretty much all of both of their seasons what with my busy schedule. I also realized last night that I can name every Criminal Minds character and his or her corresponding actor. I hadn't realized I was that obsessed. 
  5. Pinterest. Granted, I've only been a user for about three days, but it's very addicting. For those of you who don't get the concept, it's an online pinboard where you can share your favorite images from the internet with your followers. It's super fun. You have to be invited though, for some reason, so if you want to join, I'd be happy to send you an invitation. 
  6. HelloGiggles.  Started by Zooey Deschanel and two other girls, this is a site purely for ladies. And it's great. It's organized really well, it's designed perfectly, and I'm kind of obsessed with it. 
Part 2: Personal updates, because I know how much you all care about my life.
  1. I'm currently trying to submit a story to the less than three project, which I will try to update you on regularly. I've already finished the story, and I have until the end of next month to be successful in submitting it. 
  2. About half of my Christmas shopping is finished. I've purchased gifts for everyone in my family, and now I just need to work on my friends. I think I have four or five left, most of which I hope to buy today, though my funds are getting dangerously low. 
  3. I have a twitter! I didn't add it to my December favorites because it has yet to thrill me greatly. Feel free to follow me @ewalk2014. 
Okay, that's it. Kay bye. 

1 comment:

  1. Dude! I love HelloGiggles! I thought I was the only one! That was exciting, because just imagine, "Break with the Broene's". Yeah.
