Friday, January 6, 2012

I Hate it When People Suck.


I'm not really sure where I left off, because I didn't feel like going back to read my last post. Basically, I had a splendiferous Christmas break, where I thoroughly threw off my sleep pattern. As a matter of fact, since my brain knows I don't have to wake up early tomorrow, it's still up and wanting to blog. So I'm gonna blog, dammit. Also I'm bored. [Insert clever nickname for le boyfriend here] is at some church retreat with no cell phone reception. Dear goodness, no contact for an entire weekend?!? How will I ever survive?!? I hope you caught the heavy sarcasm. So anyways.

I'm gonna talk about books. Specifically The Hunger Games. And Twilight. I've never been good at the smooth transition thing.

As most of you know, The Hunger Games movie is coming out in a couple of months. It's generating a lot of buzz because the books were such an awesome series, and I'm guessing that a lot of people are starting to read the books before the movie comes out and that kind of thing. So it's a pretty big deal. (Also I just proofread that second sentence, and forgive me if it makes no sense. I'm listening to music and it's late. Deal.). The one thing that has always bothered me about books that are made into movies, specifically popular book series, is that they always seem to be compared to Twilight in some way. Harry Potter somehow managed to mostly avoid that dilemma, probably because it was cool before Twilight was even written. The Hunger Games is one of those movies/series that has been compared to Twilight. And it bugs me half to death. It bothers me because I've read the entirety of both series, and Twilight doesn't even come close to holding a candle to The Hunger Games. It really chapped my khakis the other day when I saw an article title that said "New Hunger Games Photo Shows Twilight-Esque Love Triangle". Give me a motherloving break. Just because a storyline contains a love triangle DOES NOT MEAN IT'S ANYTHING LIKE TWILIGHT FOR GOD'S SAKE. Especially since the love triangle in the Hunger Games is based on actual love and not just lust, like Twilight. I mean really, those of you who have read it know just how many times Stephanie Meyer goes into intricate detail about Edward's abs. And seriously, how is it even possible for a 400 something old man to fall in love with a 17 year old girl? They don't have a chance of having anything in common. It makes no sense. Never in that book do Edward and Bella talk about how they enjoy each other's personalities or company. They just have sex all the time, or want to have sex all the time, or are thinking about wanting to have sex all the time. THE HUNGER GAMES NEVER DEPICTS LUST. For God's Sake. Katniss doesn't even love Peeta at first. She doesn't even really love Gale. She is a strong, independent woman who doesn't need a man to complete her. (Anyone?). But really. Sure, she doesn't want to kill Peeta. But it's not because he's hot, it's because they both have grown really close and have trusted and saved each other countless times. The love in The Hunger Games is a two way street. Each person gives and takes. In Twilight, Bella basically complains about how she's not pretty enough, and then Edward obnoxiously assures her that she's perfect, and then she still never actually believes that she's pretty enough. Lust. As far as the female's final choice in the love triangle, it's greatly differed in both selections. (I love AP Lit.). Stephenie Meyer spends four four hundred plus page books drawing out a love triangle that was decided in the very first book. The readers always, ALWAYS knew that Bella would pick Edward. BECAUSE SHE SUCKS. Seriously, Jacob is the way to go in this situation, but I won't get into that. It'll bring out my seventh-grade fan girl, and there is no way I'm ever going back there. Suzanne Collins, however, draws it out until the last book, but the choice is never clear. At some points, especially in the 2nd and 3rd books, it could really end up either way. And, in my opinion, she made an excellent, justifiable choice that never had any reason to be creepy because he was several hundred years older than her. And, as a final point, the love triangle in the Hunger Games isn't the entire plot. It's almost a subplot, as a matter of fact. Actually, it is a subplot. Because Katniss is a strong, independent woman who doesn't need a man to complete her. She has more important things to do, like fight for her life, keep her family safe, and rebel against an overbearing Capitol. Y'know, that kind of thing. Like I've already said, Twilight spends over a thousand pages total talking about a love triangle. Sure, there are other parts to it, but none of those parts fit together into the bigger picture. It doesn't seem chronological to me at all. Each book has a seperate subplot that sorta kinda leads up to the last hurrah in the final book, but the love triangle thing overshadows it all. It's like "Oh yeah, weird demons have been invading my house and smelling my clothes, but did I mention how hard it is to choose between each of your rock solid, perfectly sculpted abs?" I could go on for pages upon pages explaining how different these two series are. I really could. Twilight is that bad, and The Hunger Games is that good. But I won't, because eventually you guys will get bored and stop reading my blog, and then I won't have anything to live for.

And might I point out a funny thing I found online the other day.

When the love of Hermione's life left her, she kept fighting to destroy all of the evil in the world.
When the love of Bella's life left her, she curled up in the fetal position in the middle of a forest.

I know I haven't been talking about Harry Potter, but I felt the need to reference it.

Damn, this is long. It took me a half hour to write. Enjoy it.

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