I really should be blogging a lot lately, since I don't have a lot to do other than hang out downtown and go to the beach and sit around my house reading Cracked articles. And barf.
Wait, what?
Yeah, I'm kind of sick. I threw up like...an hour ago? I don't really know. I'll spare you the nasty details, but I basically feel like complete crap on a stick. So I'm going to go lie down and take a nap or something. My next post should be another joint review. Not a review about pot, you silly people. I mean a review combining a few movies I've seen and a couple of books I've read recently. Those of you who read my last post and reveled in the sheer awesomeness (I'm totally humble. And probably spelled 'revel' wrong) are most likely slightly dissapointed right now. Well, I'm sorry. Go find yourself a nice piece of literature or something and appreciate the fact that you know I'm still alive. For the most part. I'd post about my new job volunteering at the zoo, but we actually have to sign a form saying we won't put any behind-the-scenes stuff up on the internet, and I'm not totally sure what's okay and what's not, so I'm playing it safe by not saying anything. The komodo dragon's name is Precious. There, that's not top-secret. Neither is the fact that sometimes when you wash the windows of the baboon enclosure they jump out and scare you. Mostly, it's pretty fun and I have to talk to a bunch of strangers for eight hours a week. Anyway, I'm going to take a nap now.
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