Oh, wait...it's called The Lucky One?
Oh yeah. Guess I was paying attention to...erm...other things.
So I've ranted about Nicholas Sparks movies before. It was a pretty decent post, if I do say so myself. But the fact that I find most of them extremely irritating and ridiculously unrealistic, there are a few gems. Like Zac Efron: The Movie. Or, The Lucky One.
I'm not saying that it was a great movie. Heck, as far as movies go, it doesn't even make what I would consider to be the top fifty best movies. But, as a 16 year old girl, there were some things I definitely enjoyed about it. Like Zac Efron, for instance. Never before have Levi's jeans looked so good. What was I talking about?
So anyways. The movie is about this marine named Logan who does like three tours in Iraq. He finds this picture in the dirt where he's stationed of a pretty blonde girl, and him stopping to pick it up keeps him from being blown up by a land mine. So he goes home, and he has this dog, which of course makes him like 50 times more attractive, and he's staying with his sister and her husband and two kids. Of course, these two kids are boys who like loud video games in which people shoot each other, and they also like waking up their uncle when he's not expecting it. Obviously, Zac Efron...er, Logan...has some PTSD, and he's having issues remaining normal. So he takes that picture he found, figures out where it was taken by comparing the lighthouse in the picture to one he finds on line, and freaking WALKS TO LOUISIANA. From COLORADO. I just looked that up on Google maps, and it takes TWO FREAKING WEEKS to walk to Louisiana from Colorado, and that's if you don't stop to like sleep and eat and stuff. This is where some of the Nicholas Sparks magic we all know and love comes in. Actually, it's pretty prominent throughout the whole movie. First of all, what are the chances that picking up a random picture saves your life? And how the heck did he find out where she was so fast? Seriously, there's exactly one scene of him looking at lighthouses on his computer, and the next thing you know, he's walking to Louisiana. And who WALKS TO LOUISIANA FROM COLORADO? Nobody does that. That's insanity. INSANITY. But I digress. So after he walks to Louisiana, he asks exactly two people where to find this girl, and the second guy tells him. Again with the ridiculous. I mean, it's not like I want to watch him ask like fifty different people where this girl is, because that takes up valuable time he could be spending with his shirt off, but seriously, the second guy he asks knows her! And I'm aware that this is a small town and stuff, but the whole opening of the movie is super rushed. So yeah. He finds the girl, they fall in love, et cetera, et cetera. There's an adorable little kid who Zac Efron...Logan...gets along really well with, which again boosts up his attractiveness meter by a good 50 points. Also he's a marine, sooo...100 points. And I gave him 50 points for the dog...we'll go with like 75 for the Levi's, 60 for being able to play the piano, and 5 berjillion for being Zac Efron.
Did I mention this movie has Zac Efron in it?
So who's the lucky one? Zac Efron, or you?