Sunday, August 14, 2011

Babies and Writing

So, I got the opportunity to watch my neighbor's young 'un for a little while today, and it was quite the interesting experience. Babies really only have two emotions. One of them is "Alright, I guess this is cool" and the other is "This could be infinitely better". They express these emotions by crying. Basically anything can change the mood of a baby from one to the other, whether it be shifting positions or standing up, as I learned today. My neighbor's baby was cool when I was standing up, swaying a little, and talking to him, but uncool if I dared to sit down or shift him around a little. There was one instance where I sat in his rocking chair and either made up songs or sang him my renditions of classic rock, seeing as those are really the only things I have memorized and he was perfectly cool, staring right at me. It kind of made me feel a little less self conscious about my singing voice, but he was the calmest when I made any kind of constant noise, so maybe he couldn't really tell the difference.
Now on to my second topic of the day. I know I said I'd pick a legitimate topic to express my views on, but maybe I'll put that off for another day. I don't feel like being deep. Also, since I get most of my topic ideas from things I find on the internet, like a Cracked article or a Vlogbrothers video, I could blame it on lack of inspiration from my various sources. Anyways, my second thing to discuss is writing. Technically, this idea did come from a Vlogbrothers video, but it's not really a topic and it's a really old video and stuff. Basically, it was about how you have to suck at writing a lot and for a really long time before you get good. Most of you probably know that I am gearing up for NaNoWriMo, and that's kind of a terrifying prospect. I only kind of know what I want to write about, and I'm afraid that what I do write will suck a lot. But now I know that it's okay to suck before you're actually good. Mostly I'm kind of scared of people actually reading my sucky work. I guess that doesn't really matter. I have to put it out there at some point. Okay! Comment with topic ideas. Seriously, I know you're getting bored of my daily spiel. Only a couple more weeks! I want to get some good blogs in before the end of the month.


  1. Writer Annie Dillard says that first drafts are always poo, only she uses a different word for poo that I'm not going to repeat here. So there you go.
