In categories. Here we go.
Type Number One: Typical Teen Girl.
Watch This. TTG is blonde. She's dumb. She has a crush on every boy. Typical Teen Girl likes her Starbucks ridiculously expensive and frothy. She's dating a quaterback and has 700 Facebook friends. This is the girl who (if you were ((well...are)) a guy) hated yet also were in love with in high school. If you're a girl, you hate her guts while simultaneously hanging on to her every word. She thinks she's the cat's pajamas. She's basically that one internet meme, Annoying Facebook Girl.
Type Number Two: The Power Mom.
Now, if you're my dad (which you might be), you might remember back to some of my earliest rants about power moms. Power Moms are the ones who take yoga and pilates and brag about how in shape they are. They sign their kids up for all kinds of crap their kids don't want to do in hopes of them becoming "well rounded". They have some sort of job that keeps them away from their kids long enough to develop abandonment issues, and they're usually single. Power Moms are the older version of Annoying Facebook Girl, because they're the ones who post statuses like "OMG vacay with the fam!!!". Power Moms are the target audience for infomercials, because they'll show all their friends The Thing With The Ridiculous Name and how they absolutely can't live without it.
Type Number Three: Unfortunately Stereotypical Asian/African American Woman
I won't go into too much detail here, because who knows who's going to get offended, but you all know who I'm talking about. There's always that one person you meet somewhere, whether it be at the drive through or on a plane or just while you're both out shopping who meets every single stereotype about their race. And these people are usually women, because women have even more stereotypes to live up to.
There are, of course, more types of women out there in the world, most that are normal and fall into none of these categories. I figured this would be entertaining, so here you go. I apologize for the long and awkward title, but it's too late to turn back now. See you tomorrow, when my post will hopefully be about something important.
Oh thanks Erin, You have no stereotype for me! Wait, I think you did, it was obviously #3.