Saturday, August 13, 2011

I Think This is a Stage of Acceptance...

I don't know which one, though. All I can think of right now is denial and anger, maybe blame. This might be anger. I'd go more with exasperation. It's just that there are days like today where nothing of note happened, and yet I still have to blog in order to keep my streak up. Plus, I've already missed one day, so it's not like I'm letting that happen again. But I just don't want to make you guys read the crappy recountings (not a word, apparently. Eff you, spell check.) of my boring and crappy day. I think the biggest challenge of BEDA is making it all 30 days without giving up due to lack of inspiration. Blogging is a good exercise for writing, and blogging every day is good practice for NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month). It's going to be hard to strap down and write part of an actual novel everyday, especially when you're not supposed to go back and edit yourself until it's done. I guess we'll just have to see where this one goes. I don't even know what I'm talking about anymore. See,  blogging at night is hard, but if you blog during the day then you might miss being able to blog about something awesome that happened after your blog for the day was already up. I just used blog three times in one sentence. Sometimes I tell myself to just write down my thoughts, but somehow whenever I do that I think "monkey monkey underpants" because of this one Gilmore Girls episode. It just doesn't go well. I have to go read The Kite Runner, which is really good and really refreshing after Sophie's World. I promise that tomorrow, I'm going to pick a topic and blog about that topic, because those seem to generate the best response. 


  1. Just a reminder that there are 31 days in August... :)

  2. You lost me around the 'monkey monkey underpants' thing.

  3. The knuckle month check deceived me, then.
    Well Liz, I suppose that's a good spot to get lost, since it was almost done anyways.
