Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Guys, Am I a Loser?

For those of you that know me, you know I like to start some of my sentences with "Kay, so", and it sounds like "queso", which is Spanish for cheese, and then whoever I'm talking to is like "Ha ha, queso". Yeah, yeah, I know, cool story bro. But still, I was going to start this with a Kay-so, and then I decided to just explain it, and yeah. So here we are, with what is officially an awkwardly started blog post.
My mom gave me the idea, through blog comment, to write a novel through blog posts. That's not a bad idea. I might do that eventually. It just sounds kind of daunting right now, because I know you internet people will be able to read it and stuff. Anyways, at least it's an idea to play around with, and she was the only one who followed my instructions yesterday! So there. One of these days, one of you guys will actually comment with a topic you want me to talk about in my next blog post. Remember infomercials? That Wall Street Journal article that got my panties in a twist? That sounds so weird when you type it out. Anyway, on to today's subject.
Please view title.
I know that some of you Gleeks out there (myself included, I guess) are like "But being a loser is fantabulous! Every one you wanna be probly started off like me!". So yeah, I understand that being a loser has its benefits. Guys, I was on the Quiz Bowl team. That is the frakking epitome of loserness. That's not the point. The point is that boys are effing stupid. Nothing else in the world turns me into a giggling, melty pile of teenage girl than a stupid boy. I'm one of those people that doesn't really like being plugged in to everyone's life all the time. That's why I haven't stooped to the level of Twitter yet. But heck, get me texting some boy I like and I babysit my phone like it's a newborn. I seriously do not take my eyes off the thing. And then I'll get a text from one of my friends and be like, "YESSSSS!!!! oh wait...awwww...". So I'm brought back to something my dad told me a couple months ago about not ignoring people. At the time, I was ignoring a text from a boy who was annoying me, and he was like "I hate being ignored! Don't ignore him, just tell him you can't talk or something." And so I told him that in teenage girl world (where I, unfortunately, live), if you just ignore people you could pass it off as not getting the message right away, or not hearing your phone go off, or your phone was dead (Some of you people are going YOU. BITCH. right now, I swear. Of course I've used these lines). But if you were to say you didn't want to talk to someone, you'd also be written off as bitchy. I mean, you can't always just lie to someone and tell them you're busy or you can't talk. That's just as bad as ignoring and then lying. So you're stuck with telling that person that you actually don't feel like talking to him or her, and that person feels like crap about him or herself. Now I try and text people back as much as possible, because it avoids either scenario. Just know that if you're texting me, I may not actually want to talk to you. This fits into my topic, because, as it turns out, I also hate being ignored. Especially when it's by a freaking boy. A freaking boy that hasn't freaking texted me all day, then texts me once, and I text him back and he still hasn't texted me back and that was like two freaking hours ago. Do you see what my life is right now? Do you see what I mean about melty pile of teenage girl? That's me right now. I might as well just start using terms like OMG and totes innapropes. Yeah, still not happening.


  1. No Erin! NEVER to-... tot-... nope, can't even type it. Just don't do it! Do you want me to come over and bitch slap you? I'll give you a topic, baby sloths. I'd love you forever but really, your thoughts about mail. Yes regular 'ole mail, not email. (I do realize how weird this looks.)

  2. Thanks Liz(: Baby sloths? Mail? Good topics...I'll see if I can combine them somehow.
